this is hands down the best app I have ever used. I am currently traveling abroad and this app has been an absolute god-send. You dont need wifi to use it, you just need to know your point A and point B. Let me repeat: YOU DONT EVEN NEED SERVICE TO USE THIS APP! This is amazingly helpful when traveling abroad without phone use, or when underground and without service. If you do have service, you can have it find your current location and it will direct you to the nearest station.
In large cities, like London or Paris, your "point A/B" could even be a monument/landmark, so you dont have to figure out which stop is the closest.
It tells you which train to take and which direction and where to change to a different line. It will give you different routes, which one is the fastest, or which has less changes, and you can tap on the specific train to see how many stops it is.
It takes a few minutes to figure out how it works and what all the symbols mean, but once you do, its so so so amazing. I seriously cannot endorse this app enough.