Now that Ive tried several and read reviews for more, this is THE ONE for Paris.
I consider the gold standard of comparison to be the website. "Best route based on a starting and ending address, considering metro and train or bus." You can enter a starting address and an ending address. The Ratp site will give you a best route. You also get choices of train or bus, and can choose a day and time to plan ahead. Finally, although this doesnt always seem to work, you can save your favorites.
MetrO mimics the website with all those choices. Plus, it can start at your current location if you have location services. One thing it does not do is give you train, metro, and bus together. Your choice is metro + train or metro + bus. The other is that it does not include timetables. If you are traveling extremely early or extremely late, you may want to check schedules elsewhere.
Other Paris metro apps fail in many ways. The most common is that they basically force you to choose your metro stations yourself. Even if you put in an address or use location services, its up to YOU then decide which metro station (from a provided list) you want to start from. That may result in your not getting the best route by a long shot. Where I stay in Paris, there are three stations close by. MetrO picks the best station for me depending on my destination.
Another problem with other apps is that bus, train (RER), and metro are not integrated. MetrO isnt perfect. It will integrate bus & metro, or metro & train, but apparently not all three at once. Still, this is a very big improvement over other apps.
I have crossed checked MetrO on several routes requiring changes with Its results match, although time estimates my differ slightly. Like and most or all other apps, you can get a quick map around your start or end location.
Finally, what an amazing deal - its free!
Note: In fairness, I have not been able to check out Kemtos app. It isnt clear from their website or reviews if it does what I consider the essential test: Best route based on addresses and including buses and trains.
RandySea about MetrO, v0.9.7